Ethiopia | Kenissa - Whole Bean

Ethiopia | Kenissa - Whole Bean
Whole Bean Coffee
Process: Honey
Mandarin, Brown Sugar, Peach
This honey processed Ethiopia is so sweet, with notes of brown sugar and mandarin.
One of the newer cooperatives within the Kata Meduga union, Kenissa was founded in 2018 and processes and markets coffee for its 305-310 members who grow coffee in Agaro.
The details matter, and at Kenissa, they show up in coffee. Most of Kenissa’s members grow variety 74110, with some still having a small amount of 74177.
The young cooperative’s leadership is unusually committed to its success: former members who have secured their own export licenses to market their coffee directly continue to serve on its board or in management roles to help their community, understanding the cooperative’s value for improving the incomes and livelihoods of its members.